En este episodio seguiremos aprendiendo acerca de cómo decir frases que comienzan con “I wonder."
Pero, hoy veremos frases con el verbo en el pasado.
Si dices algo como: “I wonder if Nate got home,” debes decir: ¿Nate habrá llegado a la casa? O, ¿Nate llegaría a la casa?
Claro que puedes decir: “Me pregunto si Nate llegó a la casa,” pero no suena muy natural.
Ojalá aprendas bastante en este episodio.
No olvides escuchar el episodio 187, en el que estudiamos I Wonder + un verbo en el presente.
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Todavia estoy confuso por qué puede usar tan muchas los tiempos verbales para “I wonder”.
Hola Lewis,
Sí, lleva tiempo entender pero por eso debes escuchar la lección varias veces. También, puedes revisar el curso de ENERO DE 2020 en la plataforma de parceros. Ahí aprendemos mucho sobre I WONDER.
Muy interesante no se puede encontrar fácilmente en el web o en los libros de gramática.
Gracias, Dusan!
You said “I wonder why Camilo was angry with me ayer” Then you translated it: “Por qué Camilo estaba enojado conmigo ayer?” The you went to give the “I wonder” version: “¿Por qué Camiol habrá estado bravo conmigo ayer?”. You switched emotions and threw me off until my wife said you probably just forgot you were using “angry” in your example.
Also, In English we use “wonder” or “I wonder” many times when talking to some one else as a way of asking them a question, i.e. “I wonder what Carlos bought Sandra for their anniversary?” This is a question directed at my wife directly, not at myself.
[ I ]
to ask yourself questions or express a wish to know about something:
•[ + question word ] Shouldn’t you phone home? Your parents will be wondering where you are.
• He’s starting to wonder whether he did the right thing in accepting this job.
• [ + speech ] Will this turkey be big enough for eight, I wonder?
• “Have you decided where you’re going next summer?” “I’ve been wondering about (= considering) going to Florida.”
used in phrases, at the beginning of a request, to make it more formal and polite:
•We were wondering if/whether you’d like to have dinner with us some time?
• [ + question word ] I wonder whether you could pass me the butter?
• I wonder if you could give me some information about places to visit in the area?
More examples
•I wonder what the future holds for you and me.
•She wondered who’d sent her the mysterious email.
•I was wondering if you’d like to come to the cinema with me this evening?
•I wonder what it was about her upbringing that made her so insecure.
•When did he last brush his teeth, she wondered.
Hi Charles,
I am sorry, yeah, I meant to say ENOJADO the second time. But, in Colombia, the words ENOJADO and BRAVO mean the same, they mean ANGRY or UPSET. Thanks for all the useful examples you shared here.
I’ve tried to download the transcript of the Podcast “I Wonder”, part 2. I received a “success!” message but don’t know how to access the transcript. Eva.
Hi Eva, no transcripts on the Spanishland School Podcast, unfortunately.