001 | Subjuntivo – 10 Frases Para Expresar Buenos Deseos a Otros

El subjuntivo en español es un tema complicado para la mayoría de estudiantes de español y me imagino que lo ha sido para ti también, ¿verdad?

Lo primero que debes entender es que el subjuntivo no es un tiempo sino un modo, que lo usamos para expresar como nos sentimos hacia algo.

En este episodio vas a aprender 10 frases en español de la vida diaria para expresar buenos deseos a otros.

¿Sabes cómo decir, "Have a good day!" en español? ¿Conoces otra forma diferente a “ten un buen día”?

Pues, también puedes decir, “Que tengas un buen día”. Hoy aprenderemos ésta y 9 frases más.

Recuerda que subjuntivo se usa principalmente para hablar de deseos, dudas, sueños, conjeturas, y posibilidades.  

¡Vamos, aprendamos juntos!

[English] Spanish Subjunctive – 10 Phrases To Express Wishes and Desires (To others)

The Spanish Subjunctive is a complicated topic for many Spanish students and I imagine it is for you as well, right?

The first thing you need to understand is that the subjunctive is not a tense but a mood, which we use to express how we feel towards something.

In this episode, you are going to learn 10 everyday life expressions in Spanish to express good wishes to others.

Do you know how to say "Have a good day" in Spanish? ¿Do you know a way to say it other than "ten un buen día"?

Well, you can also say, “Que tengas un buen día”. Today we will learn this and 9 more phrases.

Remember that the Spanish subjunctive is used mainly to talk about desires, doubts, dreams, assumptions, and possibilities.

Come on, let’s learn together!

10 thoughts on “001 | Subjuntivo – 10 Frases Para Expresar Buenos Deseos a Otros”

  1. Hi Andrea,

    I really enjoyed 10 – Frases Para Expresar Buenos Deseos a Otros. Are you going to be doing the transcription of it like the Espanolistos podcasts? Reading it would help me reinforce it. I love the length of these, short and simple. Thank you!


    • Hi Dianne,
      I am so happy to hear that you liked this episode. We are glad you are enjoying the new podcast, please tell us what other topics you would like me to explain.
      And yes, these episodes will have transcriptions as well, we will tell you more about that soon. We will let you guys know how to get the transcripts. A big hug!

      • Great to hear the transcriptions are coming. As for as suggestions, I find everything useful. I do have some trouble with algun, algo, algunos, alguien. I’m not sure if that is just me though. I tried your song idea for active listening today using the song Echame la culpa. It was fun instead of work. I’m going to keep that in my routine!

  2. Hi Spanishland Team 😉
    I love your podcasts! I really do!
    I’d like to ask you where could I find the transcripts to those episodes – like from 1 to 10 at least?
    Please let me know,


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