Today we bring you 20 advanced Spanish expressions for everyday conversations. These common Spanish phrases will help you sound more like a native speaker.
Download the PDF with the 20 Expressions here:
20 Advanced Common Phrases [PDF]
Do you want to know how to sound more natural in Spanish? Well, using the expressions that native speakers use everyday is a big part of it. Start using these expressions to impress your Hispanic friends and speak Spanish more fluently!
💬Deja tu comentario respondiendo esta pregunta: ¿Qué crees que podemos hacer para disminuir la contaminación? Usa una de las 5 frases para expresar opinión.
Thank you so much – I’ve been listening to you for awhile now and I’m ashamed to say I’ve never taken the time to comment on what a wonderful contribution you make to my learning Spanish journey……this will not be my last comment. You are fantastic and truely appreciated.
Appreciate the kind words and learning with us, Carolyn. All the best in your Spanish journey!