Spanishland School – Live Class Bonus Audio Resources

Below you will find two audio resources from our Spanish Intensive online course. We have included the transcripts on the audio and listening comprehension questions to ensure you are learning. Inside the course, we have quizzes to go along with the material to make sure you are learning.

In case you want to be notified of the of the next course offering at the best price you can sign up here:

En este dialogo vamos a escuchar a dos amigos que están en el aeropuerto esperando su vuelo y de repente aparece un americano que perdió su vuelo y necesita saber cómo llegar a Medellín.

Estos dos amigos lo ayudaran y le dirán que otros lugares se deben visitar en Colombia. ¡Vamos a ver como utilizan el presente del subjuntivo!

Click to Follow Along with the Word for Word Dialogue Transcript

Download the Listening Comprehension Questions Below

Este es el primer episodio de los 14 que componen nuestra serie “Bajo el sol de verano.”

La serie se trata de la interesante vida de un joven llamado “Fercho,” de las diferentes situaciones que vive día a día en el amor, el estudio, con su familia, y con sus amigos. ¡Descubramos como empieza la historia!

Click to Follow Along with the Word for Word Dialogue Transcript

Download the Listening Comprehension Questions Below

Hi, thanks for checking out our audio resources.

Unfortunately our classes are closed for the Spanish Intensive at the moment, but we are planning on opening it up again next year.  

If you think you might be interested in hearing about the next launch and want access to our Early Bird Price before everyone else, sign up below.

You will receive all our important updates and useful Spanish tips and trainings. As a thank you, I'll send you our 14-page "Best Way to Learn Spanish on Your Own" E-book [PDF].

Thanks for checking out our online school and have a fantastic day!